I’ve written two posts about myself (links after), with 15 items in each post, here are some more random things about me: I moved to NC from MN when I was 21 to attend college, I had $60 in my pocket and a car full of clothes. I drove the 21 hours straight with only a 2 hour nap at a rest stop. I can touch my nose with my tongue. I have a smaller than normal gap between my nose and mouth (and maybe a long tongue). I like peanut M&Ms. Country music is my favorite most of the time, but I will go through periods of listening to only rock, then switch back to country. When my kids were teenagers, I listened to all the music they listened to. I would grab their CDs and copy them, then listen to the CDs in my car. I found some new favorites and also encouraged my kids to stop listening to some music. Sandi and I setup a rewards program for school grades for our two children when they started elementary school. For each “A” they would receive whatever grade they were in, so for 3rd ...